IoT Documentation
Welcome, fellow creators of amazing solutions in the world of internet-of-things! This is the documentation library of IoT Creators.
IoT Creators brings LPWAN based IoT data provisioning services of Deutsche Telekom to IoT community and IoT market. It acts as a hub for the IoT communities and systems.
On the one hand, IoT Creators put the device domain with its system developers and integrators into focus. On the other hand, IoT Creators address the application domain with its need of getting provided IoT data.
The major goal of IoT Creators is to make it easy for all stakeholders involved in implementing an IoT end-to-end solution - from the device to the enterprise application. Hardware developers and integrators shall not waste their time thinking how to transfer data through all infrastructure and software layers to the main entrance of the application. And the other way round, application developers and integrators shouldn't need to think about IoT network technologies and protocols such as NB-IOT, LTE-M, LoRaWAN, MQTT, LWM2M, etc..
In our Document Library you can find relevant information about:
- Deutsche Telekom and its NB-IoT and LTE-M networks all over Europe
- IoT Creators platform and how to start and work with it
- How to integrate IoT devices with IoT Creators platform via cellular IoT networks and IoT protocols
- How to integrate applications and other IoT platforms with IoT Creators platform
- APIs and data formats
Get in touch with the IoT community and the experts of IoT Creators. Ask questions or start some interesting discussions about IoT. Simply jump to our IoT FORUM.
If you have some feedback, we will be happy to hear it! If you have Hardware walkthroughs, step-by-step software setups or other IoT related stories that you would like to share with our community, do touch base on our forum with Afzal or Roland
Have fun! 😄
Updated 2 months ago