Nordic nRF91 series

AT command guide for: Nordic Semiconductor nRF91 series incl. nRF9160

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Vendor's AT commands manual

nRF91 AT Commands

Specific AT commands for Serial LTE Modem (SLM)

General AT Commands

PurposeCommand String
Configure/start a manual network selectionAT+COPS=[,[,[,]]]

For example: AT+COPS=1,2,"26201"
Check the received signal qualityAT%XMONITOR

%XMONITOR: <reg_status>,[<full_name>,<short_name>,,,,,<cell_id>,<phys_cell_id>,,,,<NW-provided_eDRX_value>,,]
Check the supported/configured bands of the UEAT%XCBAND
Check the network registration statusAT+CEREG?
Configure the APN for IP-based connectionAT+CGDCONT=0,"IP",""
Configure/activate the PSM modeAT+CPSMS=[[,<Requested_Periodic-RAU>[,<Requested_GPRS-READYtimer>[,<Requested_Periodic-TAU>[,<Requested_Active-Time>]]]]]
Initialization and resuming of firmware over the air (FOTA) updatesAT+UCOAPFWT=0

Note: This AT command is used to resume FOTA transfer after interruption:
Check the firmware versionAT+CGMR
Check the hardware versionAT%HWVERSION
Modify the supported bands of the UEAT%XBANDLOCK=[,<band_mask>]

0 – Remove band locks
1 – Set permanent band mask
2 – Set runtime band mask


String. Bit string, LSB is band 1. Leading zeroes can be omitted. Maximum length 88 characters.

The following command example sets runtime band 4 and 13 lock:

Switch ON / OFF the transceiverAT+CFUN=0 / AT+CFUN=1; AT+CGATT=1

AT Commands for Communication Protocols

PurposeCommand String
Configure/activate Rel. 13 Early Release Assistance IndicatorAT%XRAI[=]

Release assistance information sent to the network.

0 – Undefined, default
3 – Control plane one response. For more information, see 3GPP TS 24.301, subclause Release assistance indication.
4 – Control plane no response. For more information, see 3GPP TS 24.301, subclause Release assistance indication.
Configure/activate the eDRX modeAT+CEDRXS=[,[,[,<Requested_eDRX_value>]]]
Modify eDRX parameters
Create a TCP/UDP socket and send data to remote via socket
Send data to remote via socket