Learn how IoT Creators simplify the system integration between IoT devices and IoT platforms and applications.
The major task of IoT Creators and the underlaying Service Capability Server (SCS) is to provide a bridge of abstraction between IoT devices and IoT platforms and applications. By this live of developers and integrators of both worlds becomes much easier because noone needs to deal with details and complexities of the other world which is not in the focus of daily work.
To support an easy and quick start into any kind of IoT project the following chapters provide a library of concrete examples how to integreate with IoT Creators SCS.
The IoT Creators Integration Sample Library (ISL) is devided into the following areas:
- Integrate with embedded development kits such as "SODAQ SARA AFF N211" or "Quectel BC66-T-BE"
- Integrate with off-the-shelf sensors and devices.
- Integrate with cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure or AWS.
- Integrate with IoT platforms such as Azure IoT Hub, AWS IoT Core, Axonize, DT IoT Cloud of Things.
- Integrate with LoRaWAN sensors via private LoRaWAN network which is operated by Telekom IoT.
In the hope that we help you with the first steps of building your IoT integration with IoT Creators we will permanently let grow our Integration Sample Library.
In case you have ideas or you are looking some system integration which you don't find here please let me know an send an email to Roland or to our support team
Updated almost 4 years ago