This chapter introduces to IoT Creators architecture and helps you to create your first bi-directional device/application end-to-end integration via NB-IoT.
The Getting Started chapter introduces you to IoT Creators architecture and helps you to create your first bi-directional device/application end-to-end process via NB-IoT.
IoT Creators provide an IoT integration platform to IoT integrators, IoT developers, IoT customers, etc. to make their live easier and IoT communication and integration manageable.
IoT Creators highlevel architecture
For embedded developers it shall be easy to integrate their IoT devices with cloud applications bi-directional by using state-of-the-art Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) IoT network technologies such as NB-IoT, LTE-M, LoRaWAN.
For appliation developers and system integrators it shall be easy to integrate their applications, platforms and systems without thinking about embedded technologies, IoT device protocoll details or mobile communication constraints.
Beside the simplification of the IoT integration domain the IoT Creators helps to manage the devices, its communication and its integration.
IoT Creators is loosely coupled to the NB-IoT and LTE-M network layer of Telekom and T-Mobile all over Europe. Out of this reason IoT Creators is open to integrate also with LoRaWAN Network Servers and any other data provisioning systems such as internet conneted IoT devices or IoT backend systems via the public internet.
This chapter helps you to make the first steps with NB-IoT and helps you to implement your first end-to-end IoT information flow between your embedded IoT device and application in the cloud.
According to the main functions of an IoT end-to-end process we explain in this Getting Started the following steps:
- Step 1: Setup your embedded developer kit.
- Step 2: Attach your device to the NB-IoT network.
- Step 3: Register your device in the IoT Creators Portal (ICP).
- Step 4: Send your first "Hello World" uplink message from device to IoT Creators.
- Step 5: Register your application url as webhook to IoT Creators.
- Step 6: Send your first "Hello Device" downlink message via IoT Creators API to your device.
- Step 7: Receive your sent downlink message directly on your device.
To help the community of developers and interested people to get into the IoT topic as fast as possible we will provide descriptions how to setup and handle device communication for different types of hardware.
This Getting Started guide is based on the development kit (devkit) Quectel BC66-TE-B. This devkit can be used out-of-the-box and is simple to handle.
In case you are interested to know how other devkits are taken into operation and integrated with our the NB-IoT network goto Integrate Development Kits
Have fun with your first steps of implementing a real bi-directional, asynchronous multilayer
end-to-end device<->application communication via NB-IoT.
Updated almost 4 years ago